Q. I own a Kindle Touch with a LED lighted leather cover. The light stopped working so I need to know how to fix it. Help!
A. The first thing I'd check is to make sure the posts that plug into the kindle itself aren't bent. I bent mine once and the light wouldn't go on. I used needle nose pliers and gently bent the pins flat/straight. Light worked fine after.
How do I fix the LED light on my Kindle Touch leather lighted cover?
Q. On my Kindle Touch with a LED lighted leather cover, the LED doesn't light at all. Past warranty... The contacts seem OK as well as the "arm". I probably have to dismantle it to fix it. Any tips?
A. Don't know for sure, but there are a few things to try.
1. Check the battery with a tester or meter.
2. Take apart carefully and check for voltage at the LED leads. No voltage is either a bad switch / contacts or a broken wire. Work your way out from the battery positive and ground until you find it.
3. Even if contacts look good, occasionally they will oxidize enough without being visible to affect a low voltage circuit's operation. Sand them off or file them off gently with an emery board or fine metal file.
4. There is usually a resistor to limit current in series with an LED, check to see if it is opened or shorted with a meter. You may have to remove it from the circuit by desoldering it to get a good reading. Replace an opened resistor with one of the same value. Read on for a shorted one.
5. If you find that the resistor is shorted, you will likely need to check the LED itself as they can burn out quickly if too much current is applied. See item number 6. Don't forget to replace the resistor with the same value!
6. Check the LED with a diode check function on a multimeter. It should show either ~0.7 V (for a silicon based device) or ~0.3 (for a germanium based device). In most cases, it will also light if good during the test. Remember LED s are a polarized device, so to test it check both ways!
If none of these are the case, then I have no idea without seeing the circuit itself and checking it firsthand. I hope that this helps you find your problem and fix it. Good luck!
How do you read documents on the Kindle touch?
Q. I was wondering how to read or use documents on the Kindle touch, it said that you can transfer them to the Kindle, so I took the document I wanted off my computer and did so. But when I ejected the Kindle, and went to go look for it, I can't seem to like it. Could anyone please help me? It'd be great big help! Thank you so very much!
A. If it's in pdf or mobi format, you should be able to drag it to the Documents folder. If it's not, use Calibre ( a free application) to convert it to mobi and then copy it.
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Title : How do I fix the LED light on my Kindle Touch leather lighted cover?
Description : Q. I own a Kindle Touch with a LED lighted leather cover. The light stopped working so I need to know how to fix it. Help! A. The first ...