Q. If I have all my MP3 songs on a Samsung Galaxy smartphone, will that work with all the iPod docks and speaker sets out there? Or do those products only work with Crapple products, despite not being made by Crapple?
A. The only way to play your music on that ipod dock from your samsung phone is to buy either:
One end plugs in the the head phone jack and one plugs in the AUX jack on the ipod dock, your dock may have one or not.
This one plugs into the back of the ipod player (THE IPOD PLAYER WOuLD HAVE TO BE PRETTY BIG TO HAVE RCA PLUGS ON THE BACK) So you ipod dock might not have it. it would look like this http://www.google.com/imgres?q=rca+input&num=10&um=1&hl=en&safe=off&client=safari&rls=en&biw=1439&bih=695&tbm=isch&tbnid=XZ6q9pHTMN1XZM:&imgrefurl=http://www.showmecables.com/AV-Switches%26Converters.html&docid=mlhvgLrmtN764M&w=400&h=266&ei=Sv9xTobEEdCEsAKF4_S7CQ&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=471&page=1&tbnh=128&tbnw=192&start=0&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:11,s:0&tx=107&ty=65
There would only be Red and White tho because there is no yellow video on an ipod dock.
How to re-install Facebook for Android on a new phone after original galaxy phone was lost?
Q. I already installed Facebook for Android on my lost phone Samsung Galaxy S II. How to re-install again on my new one. It shows "INSTALLED" on market.android site. What will I do? Please HELP me.. Thank you.
A. Uninstall it through Astrol File manager or the manager of the phone itself from settings -> Applications -> Running applications.
Then either check the install from anywhere something option which enables you to install apps from any other places than market.android.com then search facebook.apk then transfer it on ur mobile then install it through file manager.
or from market if it un installed properly
Is a 2GB Micro SD card in a phone enough?
Q. i am getting a phone for the first time on wednesday. i am getting the Samsung Galaxy Q and its an android, so i wanted to know how many games, music, photos, it would hold.
A. Yeah get it from amazon or ebay 16gb costs around $15.
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Title : Can a Samsung Galaxy work with an iPod dock for playing music?
Description : Q. If I have all my MP3 songs on a Samsung Galaxy smartphone, will that work with all the iPod docks and speaker sets out there? Or do tho...