Q. does it have flash player? do i need to download it or is it pre-installed? how can i install it? if it doesn't then why because i thought android devices came with flash player? please answer as many questions as you can. your responses will be appreciated.
A. June 28, 2012
An Update on Flash Player and Android
We announced last November that we are focusing our work with Flash on PC browsing and mobile apps packaged with Adobe AIR, and will be discontinuing our development of the Flash Player for mobile browsers. This post provides an update on what this means for ongoing access to the Flash Player browser plugin for Android in the Google Play Store.
The Flash Player browser plugin integrates tightly with a deviceâs browser and multimedia subsystems (in ways that typical apps do not), and this necessitates integration by our device ecosystem partners. To ensure that the Flash Player provides the best possible experience for users, our partner program requires certification of each Flash Player implementation. Certification includes extensive testing to ensure web content works as expected, and that the Flash Player provides a good user experience. Certified devices typically include the Flash Player pre-loaded at the factory or as part of a system update.
Devices that donât have the Flash Player provided by the manufacturer typically are uncertified, meaning the manufacturer has not completed the certification testing requirements. In many cases users of uncertified devices have been able to download the Flash Player from the Google Play Store, and in most cases it worked. However, with Android 4.1 this is no longer going to be the case, as we have not continued developing and testing Flash Player for this new version of Android and its available browser options. There will be no certified implementations of Flash Player for Android 4.1.
Beginning August 15th we will use the configuration settings in the Google Play Store to limit continued access to Flash Player updates to only those devices that have Flash Player already installed. Devices that do not have Flash Player already installed are increasingly likely to be incompatible with Flash Player and will no longer be able to install it from the Google Play Store after August 15th.
The easiest way to ensure ongoing access to Flash Player on Android 4.0 or earlier devices is to use certified devices and ensure that the Flash Player is either pre-installed by the manufacturer or installed from Google Play Store before August 15th. If a device is upgraded from Android 4.0 to Android 4.1, the current version of Flash Player may exhibit unpredictable behavior, as it is not certified for use with Android 4.1. Future updates to Flash Player will not work. We recommend uninstalling Flash Player on devices which have been upgraded to Android 4.1.
For developers who need ongoing access to released versions of Flash Player for Android, those will remain available in the archive of released Flash Player versions. Installations made from the archive will not receive updates through the Google Play Store.
As always this and other Flash runtime roadmap updates can be found in the Adobe roadmap for the Flash runtimes white paper.
If you are using the mobile browser with Flash for video playback, please see our blog post here about various options available to help with this change.
Why do Apple fans try to say that everyone is copying Apple?
Q. I see it all over the new HP envy video and releases. The macbook design is not original.
2006 Macbook
2006 HP
A. It isn't just Apple fans claiming copying - it's Apple itself. In case you missed it, about a month ago Apple won over a billion dollars (which could be tripled as damage award - the judge hasn't decided that yet) in a jury trial in San Jose, California, from Samsung, claiming they stole Apple's tech innovations in their cell phones. In addition to a huge blow to Samsung, it's likely a warning shot to any other manufacturers who might have been considering similar ideas, potentially putting a damper on consumer choice and better prices.
Apple has always made good products that are very well accepted (to the point of hysteria). They do have good design and engineering, but, as with Microsoft, much of their most effective work has been in marketing. They appeal to First Adopters and tech snobs in general. In their early PC days, even with a superior product (easier to use, more stable) they exhibited a "not-invented-here" syndrome which caused them to look down their nose at the innovations of others. This (not just higher prices) led to their very exclusive, and thus very small portion of the PC pie. But people like exclusivity, and Apple has done quite well with this approach. The PC wars were in many ways a replay of the VCR wars in which Sony, with Betamax, had a technically superior system, but refused to license it to others. Matsushita (aka Panasonic) decided to take the other road, developing a similar (but technically inferior) system that it licensed to anyone and encouraged competition, lowered prices, and took over the videotaping world (VHS).
The problem with Apple's complaint is that you can't copyright or patent an idea - it has to be a "work" - something physical you can hold and see, and Apple is in shaky territory when it starts talking about "look and feel". But obviously jurors in California sided with Apple over the South Korean company. However, similar cases have been filed in 8 other countries, South Korea, Germany, Japan, Italy, the Netherlands, Britain, France and Australia, and Apple's victory there is not assured (already lost a couple of them).
So the story goes on...
But, remember - Android is free to all comers - sound familiar? It could take over the world
(a recent TV commercial for the Galaxy S III is very convincing!).
which phone should i get. I'm undecided please help.?
Q. -The samsung Galaxy S (thats the first one)
-HTC sensation
-Nokia Lumia
-Samsung Exhibit ll
A. That's a tough one.. Okay, imagine a table with these 4 phones. Now, follow your imagination as you read this.
First, kick the Galaxy S out if the picture, that's a phone from 2010. Now you have the Lumia, Sensation, and Exhibit II (a Galaxy S II phone, Galaxy S II is 2011). If the Nokia Lumia phone is not the 900, then forget about it. (if it is, and you like Windows Phone, then stop reading and go buy it). If you have just kicked that off the table, your are now left with the Sensation and the Exhibit II. First, are you willing to do any cool hacks to make your phone even awesomer than it is? If so, go for the Sensation. If not, the Exhibit II. But wait, hold that thought! Do you like updates? In that case, go for the Sensation.
Hope a didn't confuse you here :)
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Title : does samsung galaxy s3 have flash player?
Description : Q. does it have flash player? do i need to download it or is it pre-installed? how can i install it? if it doesn't then why because i ...