Q. I am an owner of the Samsung Galaxy s phone and I was wondering why can't I flip my camera during video chatting on oovoo. According to researching, it says that I have to get an update, which I have. i have the update 2.2.1 and I still can't flip the camera to the front. if anyone knows how to fix this problem please answer this question.
A. I don't think you can using oovoo, that's how it is.
How does "TALK" work on Samsung Galaxy Ace mobile?
Q. I have and iPhone and my friend has a Samsung Galaxy Ace mobile. She has Talk on her mobile. Is it possible to talk to her using the TALK application on her mobile? what application do i need to load on iphone if we are able to talk. Will we be able to to video chat also. My iPhone is 3gs and has one cam only. and so does her. can someone explain how it works
A. Try this here http://mobile.brothersoft.com/download/google-talk-application-for-samsung-galaxy-ace-plu.html
How do you video call on a tmobile samsung galaxy s vibrant?
Q. so are there any applications that allow you to make a video call on a samsung galaxy s vibrant? Also how does that work? There seems to be this thing on the front of the phone to the right of the tmobile logo that looks like a camera. Its not specified what it is in the product manual.
I'm hoping that there is a way to configure this camera (if it is a camera) to work for skype mobile.
A. Hiya! I have a Vibrant as well, and also work for the company. :-) The little thing next to your speaker is a sensor for the touch screen. There ARE applications that you can download for a video chat that use your camera, but of course you cant see the person because it has no front facing camera! So, good news is that you can use it, bad news is that it works a little weird. Hope that helps!
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Title : How do I flip my camera during video chatting on oovoo on Samsung Galaxy S?
Description : Q. I am an owner of the Samsung Galaxy s phone and I was wondering why can't I flip my camera during video chatting on oovoo. According...