Q. How do you add friends in the new ipad game Oregon trail: American settlers? And how do you visit your friends settlements?
A. To add friends, I go to the pause menu (where it also shows resume/options/help/about) and click on the little black icon in the lower left corner (It says Gameloft Live). Once in there, I click on the friends icon on the bottom (second from the right). Then to add friends, use the plus sign in the top right corner. You can look for possible friends by guessing, or go to the facebook page and find names that are wanting to be added at http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Oregon-Trail-American-Settler-Tips-Guides/294325903923911?sk=wall.
To visit the friends settlements after you add them (and they confirm), go to the sign in your town and scroll to the right and you should see their names listed. But you have to scroll, otherwise you can't see them.
What are some of the best review sites specifically focused on ipad games?
Q. I'm looking for review sites that look at iPad games specifically
A. You can check this site:
iPad game reviews and news | Pocket Gamer
Can an iPad game be played on the iPod Touch?
Q. There is a game that is only on the iPad that I really want for my iPod Touch. Could I buy the iPad game and play it on my iPod Touch? Would that work?
A. It can work. For many games, an iPad game can be played on an iPod Touch.
How do I prevent my iPad game from being pirated ?
Q. My iPad game was jail broken along with my other iOS apps
They even pirated my music CD !!!
How do I stop this ? His do I prevent piracy of my Apps ?
A. No, the original cost is all you need to pay if you buy it outright. Unles... you want to use data plans.
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Title : How do you add friends in the new ipad game Oregon trail: American settlers?
Description : Q. How do you add friends in the new ipad game Oregon trail: American settlers? And how do you visit your friends settlements? A. To add f...