Q. I want to buy a new smartphone but i don't know which one to buy .
i was about to buy iphone 4s , but i've known about the buttery issues so i was bit hesitated .
i used to have a very simple cell phone ( nokia X3 ) , but i think it's time to make a change :D
which one is the best to buy ..
iphone 4s ? samsung galaxy s2 ? htc sensation?
thanks in advance :)
A. the 4s no longer has batter issues after the most recent update (5.0.1)
i like the iphone because its easy to hack, and get free apps,
Samsung galaxy and the HTC sensation are also good phones, But isnt the HTC sensation windows?
stay away from windows phones, the only apps you can get are off of the microsoft store. and there not really that good anyway.
So, go towards the Samsung galaxy or the 4s :)
plz tell me this cellphones price in india...and suggest the best one from them?
Q. Sony Ericsson C901 GreenHeart
Sony Ericsson C510
Sony Ericsson C903
Sony Ericsson G705
Sony Ericsson W715
Nokia X3-02 Touch and Type
Nokia E5
Nokia E5
Nokia C3-01 Touch and Type
Samsung Galaxy Mini S5570
Samsung Galaxy Fit S5670
Samsung Galaxy Gio S5660
LG KB775 Scarlet
LG KF900 Prada
LG KF750 Secret
LG KF755 Secret
A. anything from samsung
Which phone is better the Iphone, Droid Razor, or the Samsung Galaxay x3 (i think that's the name)?
Q. For Verizon and please explain why it is the best option
A. The Samsung Galaxy S III is better because it has a bigger screen, it has way better operating system, and the android market is better than the apple market, and the Google Now is faster and more reliable than Siri. Although the Iphone, just has a better camera and and it looks nicer.
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Title : please i need your help?
Description : Q. I want to buy a new smartphone but i don't know which one to buy . i was about to buy iphone 4s , but i've known about the butte...