Q. my friend gave me her Samsung Galaxy Ace GT-S 5830 Mobile phone but no instruction Manual.
is there anywhere on the internet i can download the manual for this smart phone.
A. try typing in google "samsung galaxy ace support"
guyyz... will u plz plz plz help me in solving with samsung galaxy mobiles?
Q. i have samsung galaxy ace 5830 version 2.3.4 ..... and i dont know how to root apps to sd card i.e how to mount sd card.... apps i download stores in phone memory and don wan that.... so tel me how to link apps to sd card plzz plzzz plzzzzz...
A. Yes.... Root the apps using Cydia....
Good luck!
guys iam lookin for android phones . budget 10-12k ..ended up with the following three..which ones btter?
Q. HTC desire c , sony xperia tipo and Samsung Galaxy Ace 5830.any suggestions ???
peter any strong reason?
A. iPhone 5
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Title : Samsung Galaxy Ace GT-S 5830 Online instruction Manual?
Description : Q. my friend gave me her Samsung Galaxy Ace GT-S 5830 Mobile phone but no instruction Manual. is there anywhere on the internet i can downl...