Q. I'm considering buying the Kindle Touch 3G, but I can't decide whether to buy the with or without special offers one. What are the sponsored screensavers like?
A. Hi, curious, the only eReader models you should consider are Nook Simpletouch from Barnes & Noble (no ads for $99) and the new Kindle Touch (non-ad-supported) for $139. Ad-supported Kindle models show full page ads to you (and everyone around you) every time they go to sleep mode and also show 2 line ads right there at your home screen - so annoying that Amazon even released a software that for $30 can convert ad-supported Kindle into non-ad-supported one. Non-touch screen Kindle models are such basic stone age devices (with page turn lag, buttons, and black blinks/flashes on each page turn) that I would not even speak about them. Nook (unlike Kindle) supports eBooks in ePub format that is the universal format most used in the world. Current e-Ink Nook Simpletouch has the latest generation touch screen display, no page turn lag, it weights less, its battery lasts twice as long (two months on one charge), it has microSD slot and it doesn't blink on each page turn - much better than current Kindle 3 or Kindle Keyboard. Nook Touch is still better designed than even the new Kindle Touch with battery lasting two months with ONE hour reading a day with Wi-Fi off thus it's still twice as long as new Kindle's two months with HALF and hour a day with Wi-Fi off. It looks like Kindle didn't get any battery improvement in the new model, they only changed the test condition. More, Kindle Touch still flashes black on each page turn while Nook Touch reduces the flashing by 80%. Nook has the fastest page turning speed on the market. Nook Touch, Nook Color, and Nook Tablet (unlike Kindle) have microSD card slot to take a card (class 6 or above) up to 32 GB. If you walk in with the Nook to Barnes & Noble store, you'll get tech support and youâre allowed to read ANY available eBook for free while in the store via free provided in the store Wi-Fi.
Also, no point in getting 3G Kindle now as they limit what web sites you can access (only Amazon store and Wikipedia are allowed.)
What are the benefits of owning a kindle?
Q. How difficult is it to download a book? Any special equipment required? How long does the battery last before it needs to be recharged? How expensive is the battery to replace? I know there are several models; what are advantages and disadvantages of each? Any other information would be great.
A. Get a ipad it is 200 dollars more than the kindle but u can do tons more but that's from my expeirience and that doesn't have to be yours
How can you transfer a Kindle book from a PC to a Kindle?
Q. I have several Kindle books on my PC , can I transfer them to my new Kindle without using Amazon Whispernet service?
A copy and past stuff maybe? I am, new to that thx.
A. To connect Kindle to your computer:
Plug the larger end of the USB cable into an available USB port or a powered USB hub connected to your computer.
Connect the other end of the USB cable to the micro-USB port on the bottom of your Kindle.
When connected to your PC, your Kindle will go into USB drive mode and its battery will be recharged by the computer. Your Whispernet service is temporarily shut off and you will not receive any of your subscriptions while in this mode. Also, your Kindle is not usable as a reading device while you are in USB drive mode, but will return right to where you were when you undock the device from your computer.
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Title : What are some sponsored screen savers on the kindle?
Description : Q. I'm considering buying the Kindle Touch 3G, but I can't decide whether to buy the with or without special offers one. What are t...