Q. Sorry im new when it comes to phones.
A. You can buy this one
LG Rumor 2 Prepaid Phone (Virgin Mobile)
After suffering for ten months with AT&T's lousy service and rude support staff, I terminated my contract early and jumped on the pre-paid bandwagon. I was accustomed to having a feature-rich phone (an HTC Fuze with unlimited data) so I began preparing myself for the humble amenities of a no-contract plan. Much to my surprise, I have found the LG Rumor2 is a quite capable phone. The QWERTY keyboard is responsive, laid out very well, and easy to use. If you're going to text often, this phone is built for the task. Call quality is decent, though I've only tested it through the handset speaker and not on a headset. I was even mildly impressed by the Rumor2's camera (1.3 megapixel) which took some e-mail quality shots. LG has constructed a lightweight but sturdy phone which won't rip a hole in your pocket.
How do I Root my android?
Q. I have the Samsung Galaxy Indulge by Metro PCS. Please give me a link and I have already tried 1 that you have to hit run.bat and it said plaease laund adb again from desktop???? Please help me!
A. Check out the forums over at xda-developers.com
BUT word of advise.........ROOTING VOIDS ALL WARRANTIES AND INSURANCE. Also if messed up you can brick your phone. If you dont know what adb is then young grass hopper.........you have alot of reading to do before jumping in a bricking your phone. SO PLEASE READ READ AND RE-READ THE INSTRUCTIONS AND UNDERSTAND THEM BEFORE STARTING.
What is the best Windows Phone for AT&T?
Q. I think that the Samsung Focus looks relatively good, but I don't know what the best WinPho for AT&T is. The Focus is free and looks to compete with the HTC HD7S (a two hundred dollar phone). The Surround looks pathetic, but that's beside the point. If you have any suggestions as to what would be the best Windows Phone on AT&T, I'd really appreciate your input :)
A. Currently the best phone would be tied between the Samsung Focus and HTC HD7S. I personally like the Samsung Focus better because it uses a Super Amoled screen that is much mor evibrant than the HTC HD7S's Super LCD screen. But the screen on the HD7S is much bigger. In the ends it really comes down to if you want a big, but not as vibrant screen or a vibrant, but not as big screen, as well as the form factor of each phone. The HD7S also includes a kickstand if you watch a lot of movies. So its also like entertainment phone vs. practical phone. It is a tough decision. I would personally go with the Samsung Focus as it is the most popular. But AT&T is also halting sales on many of their phones and this is most likely because of the holiday season and that will bring a plethera of new phones. AT&T will be carrying the HTC Titan, Samsung Focus S, and the Samsung Focus Flash. I would personally wait until they would start selling these phones as they all have Windows Phone 7.5|Mango preinstalled as well as front facing cameras for pictures and video chat. The HTC Titan has a MONSTER screen. It's gigantic. But it still has the not so good Super LCD screen as the HTC HD7S now has. It also has a low screen resultion and that will be apparent with such a big screen. The Samsung Focus S is the phone I'm waiting for to make the jump (I have been a happy iPhone user for a year but when I saw a Windows Phone I had to have it). It has a Super Amoled screen (YAY!), 4.3" (YAY!, also the same size as te HD7S screen) and a front facing camera (but all the new phones have that). The Samsung Focus Flash is a more lower end phone for people who don't need as big as screens as the other two phones offer. I would wait until the Samsung Focus S comes out until you buy a Windows Phone 7. For reference the Samsung Focus S will be like a Windows Phone version of the Samsung Galaxy SII. Also all the new phones support AT&T's HPSA+ 4G network (which isn't as fast as LTE 4G, HSPA+ is more like a faster 3G but not as fast as 4G although it is marketed as 4G). If LTE is important to you Microsoft recently hinted that there will most likely be LTE phones in the ext 3-4 months but they did not specify the carrier so don't get your hopes up. Well I hope this has been thorough and I'm glad somebody besides me is interested in Windows Phone 7. Make a good choice.
If you have anymore questions concerning the subject you can contact me at vtheo27@yahoo.com
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Title : Can i use a unlocked samsung galaxy S on either Metro Pcs or Virgin mobile?
Description : Q. Sorry im new when it comes to phones. A. You can buy this one LG Rumor 2 Prepaid Phone (Virgin Mobile) After suffering for ten months w...