Q. I'm planning to get a new phone soon, and I want one that isn't too expensive. I want either the Incredible S or the Samsung Galaxy W - no other phones please. This is because I'm getting the phone from Bell Canada with a $30 monthly plan. I can't decide, some help please?
A. The Incredible is better.
The Incredible has a bigger and better display
The Incredible has better cameras
The Incredible has more RAM
How to quit gaming addiction?
Q. I need help to quit it. I always game when I come home from school on my laptop, and I pretend I am working (My school is in One To One laptop program) At the middle of the night I game, and I always get caught by my mom, and I risk getting my Samsung Galaxy W conficasted. How can I stop this? This if affecting my grades, and I dont want my phone confiscated for a month every time. How can I get out of it?
A. Hello:
I am sorry you are struggling. There are MANY people who are struggling with the same thing and they get help through treatment centers that deal with video game addiction. I would suggest looking on Passport to Recovery. They will help you find the right program and hope!
Here is an article they wrote about video game addiction:
Can a Samsung Galaxy work with an iPod dock for playing music?
Q. If I have all my MP3 songs on a Samsung Galaxy smartphone, will that work with all the iPod docks and speaker sets out there? Or do those products only work with Crapple products, despite not being made by Crapple?
A. The only way to play your music on that ipod dock from your samsung phone is to buy either:
One end plugs in the the head phone jack and one plugs in the AUX jack on the ipod dock, your dock may have one or not.
This one plugs into the back of the ipod player (THE IPOD PLAYER WOuLD HAVE TO BE PRETTY BIG TO HAVE RCA PLUGS ON THE BACK) So you ipod dock might not have it. it would look like this http://www.google.com/imgres?q=rca+input&num=10&um=1&hl=en&safe=off&client=safari&rls=en&biw=1439&bih=695&tbm=isch&tbnid=XZ6q9pHTMN1XZM:&imgrefurl=http://www.showmecables.com/AV-Switches%26Converters.html&docid=mlhvgLrmtN764M&w=400&h=266&ei=Sv9xTobEEdCEsAKF4_S7CQ&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=471&page=1&tbnh=128&tbnw=192&start=0&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:11,s:0&tx=107&ty=65
There would only be Red and White tho because there is no yellow video on an ipod dock.
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Title : HTC Incredible S or the Samsung Galaxy W?
Description : Q. I'm planning to get a new phone soon, and I want one that isn't too expensive. I want either the Incredible S or the Samsung Ga...