Q. Ive been tryog to find college textbooks that can b read on the kindle dx. Has anyone had any success with this? Thanks!
A. Yes, I've got several textbooks on my Kindle already. You need to search with the textbook titles in order to find it:
And here is a review about textbooks on the Kindle:
And there is a good video here talking about textbook on the Kindle too:
Hope this helps.
EDIT: Yes, you need to search with title of the textbook in Kindle store (link below), which includes all books available for the Kindle. Seems searching with ISBN number works for paper books only, not Kindle books...
http://www.amazon.com/gp/redirect.html?ie=UTF8&location=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2Fs%3Fie%3DUTF8%26x%3D11%26ref%255F%3Dnb%255Fss%255Fb%26y%3D18%26field-keywords%3D%26url%3Dnode%253D154606011&tag=more_info-20&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=390957 (Kindle Store, containing all books available for the Kindle)
What are the SCREEN dimensions of the Kindle DX?
Q. I know the screen dimensions of the Kindle 3 (3.6 by 4.8 inches), but what are the dimensions of the new Kindle DX? I've looked for the past 10-20 minutes and can't find out. I know it's 9.7 inches diagonally already.
I'm not concerned with the resolution, only the display size.
Thanks :)
A. Here you go!
Kindle DX Wireless Reading Device
Free 3G
9.7" Display
3G Works Globally
10.4" x 7.2" x 0.38"
Can I read textbooks on the Amazon Kindle or do I need to purchase the Kindle DX?
Q. I am looking into getting an e-reader when I return to university. I had my heart set on a Nook, but I have been told that it does not support textbooks. I am eyeing a Kindle now but I am not sure I want to spend so much for a Kindle DX.
A. your best bet is the mid range kindle for 189 at amazon. it and the kindle deluxe have the VERY SAME FEATRUES wi-fi and free 3g network. the only diference between it and kindle deluxe is that the dx
is 9 inch screen and 189 one is 6 inches(which i just got and like fine)
three more inches in not work more than $150 extra price tag
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Title : Has anyone been able to get textbooks 4 college on the Kindle DX?
Description : Q. Ive been tryog to find college textbooks that can b read on the kindle dx. Has anyone had any success with this? Thanks! A. Yes, I'...