Q. I just bought a Samsung Galaxy mini 2, and I thought the total internal storage was 4GB and has 512mb RAM, just like it says everywhere. But I checked on the phone itself, and it says 0.9GB internal storage and 1.8GB usb storage, which makes a total of 2.7GB, and not 4GB. Why is that??
I also checked the RAM, which says 356mb or something, and NOT 512! And now I feel fooled.
Please I need answers asap! Thanks!
A. LOL LOL LOL calm down... breathe.... learn the ins and outs of technology...
FACT: GS2 Mini has 4GB internal storage and has 512mb RAM and a external USB SD card storage of up to 32GB (depending on what size card YOU buy)
Now, realize this... 4GB of internal storage.. MINUS what Android ROM needs to run (usualy arruond 3GB) so 4-3 = 1.. or .9GB in your case... just like iphones... 16GB models... minus 3-4 for IOS... equals 12-13GB left for the user... ...... marketers will take the total amount of storage and market that.... same with computers... your laptop may have 500GB of storage, but in reality its 440GB (gotta have space for Windows or MAC to run... LOL)........ facts of life
as for your RAM... it has 512MB... WHEN ITS TURNED OFF! LOL when you have stuff running on your phone, or even if its just ON and sitting on the table, its using RAM... so this is why you see 356MB left in Free RAM....
As for your USB storage, you only use 1.9GB of it... you still got tons left. Settings>storage will tell you how much SD card you have left in free space....
How can I install iTunes on my Samsung Galaxy Pop?
Q. Hi, I've a Samsung Galaxy Pop, so how can I install iTunes? It's android.
A. If you use iTunes for your music collecton, you can easily sync your tuned with your Samsung Galaxy S.
Here, we show you how to set up your computer to sync your Samsung Galaxy S with music from iTunes.
The first section details how to acquire a small piece of software called "iTunes Agent", that allows you to use your Galaxy S with iTunes on a Windows-based computer (we are assuming that you already have iTunes installed, and have an existing library of music).
Mac users can achieve the same results by installing a program called iTuneMyWalkman.
1. Download and install iTunes Agent
2. Once installed, the application runs in the system tray and monitors iTunes
3. Plug the Galaxy S into your computer's USB port and mount it
4. Create a folder on the mounted Galaxy S called Music
How to create a configuration for the Galaxy S in iTunes Agent's Preferences
1. Right-click on the iTunes Agent icon
2. Click Preferences
3. Leave all defaults checked and click the New button
4. Give the device a name (Galaxy S in this case)
5. Leave Synchronize pattern: set to iTunes
6. Click the Choose button and select the Music folder you created on the Galaxy S
7. Click the Create button and select the Music folder you created on the Galaxy S
8. Click Save and then Close
How to add music to your Galaxy S
1. Launch iTunes and you will see a playlist folder called My Devices, under which you will see the Galaxy S
2. Simply drag the music you wish to synchronise from your iTunes library to your Galaxy S into this playlist
3. Finally, right-click on the iTunes Agent icon in the system tray and select Synchronize devices
What is the best tablet in your opinion?
Q. for me, i think it's Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 because i can play, watch movies, design pictures and even use it in education!
A. O.S:
Android. If you want Windows 8 stick away from them for a while this video will explain everything very well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_wrAzhVKPw . or just avoid the surface RT tablets due to software compatability issues and wait for the tablets with x86 processors to become available. Don't go with Apple unless you understand other options and better value (my opinion).
Most powerful:
Asus transformer. Great design, powerful hardware and most up to date Android OS. Can do everything the Galaxy note can bet better and faster. 10-11 inches. hefty price tag though. can be used in conjunction with a keyboard for word prossecing and other educational uses.
this would go to the Nexus 7. Excellent size and powerful hardware as well as feeling great during use. Dimesions are proportioate and a variety of cases are available. Asus made and google marketed and funded to make quality control at utmost importance. cheap and high quality ($250 AUD). beware that it is in its first genereation and educational uses may be impractacul.
Avoid any unknown O.S.' (Operating Systems). The most well known and the best are Android, iOS and Symbian with the most progressing and future proof being Android. Unknown O.S' (e.g. some HP tablets include an unheard of O.S") have limited app support so hardly anything is developed for them due to limited market.
Shop around. Spending time researching your purchase is always a good idea. Get the best deal and don't forget about added costs of accesories, warranties and software. Check that the product your looking for has the desired accessories available and at least has as little proprietary ports as possible, but that is not a nesscity.
Avoid gimmics. Don't by a tablet because you can do a task that has limited capability. i for example chose the 3-d option on my laptop but find myself hardly using it. if you are comparing 2 or more tablets and one has more practical functionality than go for it.
Storage and compatability tips:
if you must decide on 2 similar tablets, i would choose the one with external storage capability. This means you could but a micro sd card into the machine and expand your storage.beware of the Andorid market as each different model or brand will likely feature different chargers or device connecters.
Other tips:
- Buy within your budget. Don't splurge to get the bleeding edge, get what you require. most tablets will fit your requirements of video, picture editing and educative uses.
- Avoid first generations. They can sometimes be buggy or low on features when compared to other tablets.
if you're looking for mobile internet connectivity, possibly get your tablet on a plan.
cheers and hope this helped and sorry for the miss spellings, i was in a rush :P
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Title : Why isnt the total internal storage of Samsung galaxy mini 2 4GB?
Description : Q. I just bought a Samsung Galaxy mini 2, and I thought the total internal storage was 4GB and has 512mb RAM, just like it says everywhere....