Q. I bought a micro usb otc for my kindle to see photos and movies i have stored on my usb but I don`t know how to access it can anyone help?
A. You need to copy content of your USB drive to your Kindle via a computer. The Kindle Fire can't recognize the Flash drive by itself.
Here you can find how to use the micro USB port of the Kindle Fire, to load files from the computer, or USB drive from the computer:
Kindle fire converting videos?
Q. I'm about to get a new kindle fire, my mom has one too. She has a few movies on hers. Is there any way I could get them too?
A. Yes, hook both kindles up via usb open them both up (2 windows) drag the movies from 1st kindle to 2nd kindle. Or you can drag from 1st kindle to laptop to 2nd kindle. I have a few movies on my kindle, the kindle has only an 8G hard drive.
something wrong with my usb port/Kindle Fire?
Q. So, I'll try not to make this too confusing...Hopefully someone can help. I'm having issues with either my kindle fire or my computer. Not sure which. I have about 4 or 5 usb cords that connect to it that I've accumulated over the years. This started about 5 days ago. (I've had the kindle for over a year now and have never had this problem before). I plugged my kindle in the other day to put some videos on it, which was successful. I unplugged my kindle and realized I forgot to put something on it. So, I plugged it back in and got a little pop-up stating that the usb was not recognized, and I couldn't bring my kindle up on my PC. I tried restarting the computer and kindle. and continued to get the same message. So, I got another usb cord and the kindle worked fine. Then, after using that cord about 2 or 3 times I get the same pop-up message. So, I get a new cord and it works fine. etc...
Basically I have been getting this message with 4 different cords. Each cord works for my kindle one or two times, then I get the message. I've tried using different USB ports and still the same thing. I have one or 2 cords I haven't tried yet. So hopefully someone can help me so I can salvage those.
***Also, after the first couple times. Even if I plug the cord in by itself before connecting the kindle to it, I get the same Pop-up message.
10 points!!
A. There are only a few explanations I can really suss out.
Are you sure you're not being too rough with your USB cables and damaging them as you're using them? I highly doubt it's that but just thought I'd say it anyway.
Secondly, be sure that the USB port on your Kindle device doesn't have anything in it. i.e Fluff, dust, crumbs and all sorts of other things that may be lodged in there. (I've had that problem a few times myself and it had affected my USB cables in the same way).
Lastly, try buying a new USB cable rather than using old ones. The fact that these USB cables are old tells me that they're probably on borrowed time anyway (They don't really last that long when used a lot or old, they tend to break easily). If you tried a newer cable, you may see some improvements.
Hope I've helped you in some way.
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Title : How do you access usb on kindle fire?
Description : Q. I bought a micro usb otc for my kindle to see photos and movies i have stored on my usb but I don`t know how to access it can anyone hel...