Q. So basically, I am going into my junior year next month, and this is what my schedule looks like
-Spanish 3
-AP art history
-AP psychology
-English 3
And I was recently given the opportunity to take AP English Language and composition and was wondering if I should do that instead.. That would give me 3 APs and I don't know if that will be too much to handle, because I suck at math and science and I have Precalculus and chemistry in addition to the two (admittedly easier) APs.
The thing is, the AP Lang and comp teachers at my school... Suck. Honestly. And I just don't know if its better to stay in CP and get an A and go into AP English as a senior or go into AP English as a junior, fully aware that the teachers are notoriously unpassable and run the risk of not making it into AP English as a senior...
Please help, I don't have much time to muddle over things anymore...
(Sorry for any grammatical or spelling mistakes, I'm on my iPad and its late at night :))
Additional details:
My high school is in the top 50 in America, so the classes are extremely rigorous.
CP is usually equivalent to honors here... according to the principal and staff
Also, I received a 97% in freshmen cp English and a 93% in sophomore cp English...
I do not want to die over an immense workload, I want to take challenging courses, but still have an outstanding GPA in the long run. And y'know, still have some sort of social life :)
Please help!
A. It sounds like you're going to take ap english sooner or later anyway, whether junior year or senior. AP english has 2 parts, Lang and comp and Lit and comp. If you just took lang and comp junior year, you could take the ap test and the other ap test senior year when you take that class. That way you wouldn't have to take both the ap tests senior year. Get it? It's only personal preference, what you want to do. Either way, whenever you plan to take that ap english you're going to end up with whatever grade you worked for, if you don't take it junior year it's just delaying the inevitable. If you plan to take 3 ap's or more senior year, not including ap english, then i'd recommend that you take ap english this year. That way you'd be less overwhelmed. And you could drop the class whenever you want, if you don't like it. Also, discuss it with your counselor. If you don't have good teachers you're going to have to teach yourself. It's possible you know. All the ap test includes is a lot of literary definitions for multiple choice and 51% of the test is on your essay that you wrote. Buy a ap language book and study it, and practice writing a lot.
iPad or Macbook Air for college?
Q. I'm currently a junior in high school. I live in Washington state and I'm going to be doing Running Start next year so I'd be at the college full time my senior year. I'm currently typing this off my iMac and it would still remain my main device but I'm looking into getting either an iPad of Macbook Air so I can rent books off of the Kindle app for Apple (I don't want a Kindle or Kindle Fire so please don't suggest those, thanks) So I don't know what would be the best idea.Suggestions, opinions, etc. are all welcome and appreciated!
A. Macbook Air!
I have an iPad. It's great and I love it.
For school though I'd rather have a laptop. "Macbook Air"
Should I get an ipad or a Mac Book?
Q. I'm in junior high and I really want a mac but then I thought of the iPad because it's cheaper. I want a laptop or an ipad for going on the Internet and school projects and stuff like that. Which would be better to get and why?
A. As good as the ipad is, it can't replace a macbook for work purposes. I currently own a macbook aluminium 13" and couldn't possibly be happier with it. It is very fast, super reliable and is aesthetically perfect.
Maybe you could get the next version of the ipad in a years time that will no doubt be better and cheaper than the current one.
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Title : Junior year schedule: AP classes!?!?!?!?!?
Description : Q. So basically, I am going into my junior year next month, and this is what my schedule looks like -Precalculus -Spanish 3 -AP art history...