Q. In Asia, wifi is spotty and limited, so users normally insert phone SIM card into the tablet's SIM card slot and surf internet with the phone data plan. The Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 plus 16GB wifi tablet sold by Amazon (http://www.amazon.com/Samsung-Galaxy-Plus-Universal-Remote/dp/B005N130Y4) has SIM card slot. Does anyone know if this tablet can do the aforementioned task? I want to make sure this before I purchase in USA and bring back to Asia. Any response is much appreciated.
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samsung galaxy tab 7.0 plus VS galaxy tab 7.7 VS galaxy tab 2 7.0 ?
Q. Which one will be more suitable for a college student?
Main pro and con for these tab? o_O
A. Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 is the newest model, I don't think it's worth to get the other old models. The newest model is of low price, much faster performance and better specification.
Student's comment on Galaxy Tab 2:
You can also find the latest price and bestselling models of Samsung tablets here. It's updated daily so you can check from time to time to see the best tablet among them:
Hope it's something you want.
Samsung Galaxy Tablet 10.1 or Samsung Galaxy Tablet 7.0 Plus?
Q. So I got the money to buy either tablet for Christmas and I'm not sure which one. I'm leaning towards the 7.0 plus but I was wondering if anyone has any experience with either one. Most sites that compare the two say that 7.0 is faster but the HD on the 10.1 is better. Anyone with some personal experience with either one would be helpful.
A. Well I personally hate my galaxy tab 7. I don't know why but it always disconnects my device from the wireless network and it's definitely not the routers fault our so. This happens about every 5 minutesand forces me to restart my wifi which only takes a few seconds but it's pretty annoying especially when you're playing games online. Plus it only runs with androud 2.2 a ka 2.3.3 which are not tablet versions. Of course is the 7 inch screen a lot handier and works as a phone too ^^
Browsing is quite fast but I don't think it's faster than the big brother.
If I were you I'd take the 10.1. But if you're going to travel with your tablet take 7. If you're going to use it at home only take the big one.
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Title : Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 plus - SIM card slot?
Description : Q. In Asia, wifi is spotty and limited, so users normally insert phone SIM card into the tablet's SIM card slot and surf internet with ...