Q. I have already looked at several and read just about as much as I can handle online, just want to hear a few current reviews from current users. Many of the reviews for Samsungs say there are all plastic and feel cheap in general. I am looking at phones w/keyboards and have narrowed it down to either the Droid or a Samsung. Any users of these out there? Which do you like and why?
Jon-thanks for the details. Since you've had both, let me ask something else...I will probably never use it to download music/lyrics and very limited photo usage. For me, it's all about texting, checking e-mails, pulling up websites, using the Google GPS/maps, and using it like a regular phone. How about Samsung's physical keyboard...I'm a nailtyper, so this is important to me. I've heard the Droid 4 has the best physical keyboard??
A. I have had both, well not he samsung Galaxy S2 or S3 but i i had the samsung fascinate and now i have the Droid Razr. I overall like the Samsung line better!
First off i love the screen, and the way that things are organized on samsung phones- like the Music, texting, and photos.
In music- the album artwork takes up the whole screen, on droid it uses a little square and then you just have a lame solid color around it, on droid the lyrics will also appear on songs, but they are too fast or too slow and don't ever line up exactly with the song. The music list on samsung also has a black background which i really like, while motorola has white (UGGGG) hate that!
Texting- on samsung the background is Black and the contact id photo is larger! and you can change the font on the phone without having the Root the dang device like on motorola
Photos- My dang pictures NEVER LOAD on my droid, i will click on the picture i want to see and it will just sit there and say "loading, FOREVER" On my samsung i never had a problem, and the gallery is really cool.
Home screens- on droid you only get 5 stock home screens, but on samsung you get 7
Contacts/recent calls- on the Droid the contacts/recent call list has a white background which annoys me, on the samsung it has a black background so its easy on the eyes and uses less battery.
For me i just love how samsung phones interface is used and the way they were designed, i am going to get a samsung phone after i am out of contract, i am sick on motorola.
I dont mind the plastic backing, because they are pretty cheap to replace if you get annoyed by a scratch or dent you can easily buy a new backing on Amazon or ebay. And like most phones you will have a case and not even see the backing.
Thanks for the extra information! I am glad i get to expand on this topic. Yes the Droid 4 Does have a Keyboard BUT it makes the phone much thicker then the samsung line. As for typing on it, i have no clue, i know that every model has been getting better, but since i have been sticking with all touch screen candy bar phones i really don't have the need to even get a physical keyboard. After getting used to the touch screen phone keyboard its amazing how fast you can type. If you are typing on a physical keyboard now, like on a Blackberry, then a physical keyboard may be your preference. However if you move to a all touch screen, it will only take a short time to get used too. Samsung has no phone that has a physical keyboard, the only phones thats really do have them are the droid phones
By the sound of what you use a phone for (email, Maps, Web) its almost all the sam. Each phone has the same email app, the same maps/navigation, and the same browser. However a lot of web browsing will cause the battery to drain. The droid 4 has a 1785 mAh battery, just about the same as my RAZR. Since i dont know exactly what samsung phone you are looking at, i cant judge which phone will last longer browsing web. But the Samsung Galaxy SIII packs a 2100 mAh battery But Verizon Galaxy Nexus has an 1850 battery, so about the same as droid 4
What kind of phone should i get?
Q. I have a standard phone, and im looking toget a new one next may, when i have an update, so obviously the answer to this question is just something i need to think about right now. I have verizon wireless, and i am looking at the iPhone 4, which i am a little sceptical about casue im not a huge fan of touch screens cause i have so many issues with them, the samsung fascinate which also is a complete touch phone, or a black berry curve. Please let me know the most quality phone for the price. I'll be leaving for college in the fall out of state so i cant use the phone i have for too much longer, it wont hold and doesnt have the features that i need like a gps, in case i get lost, internet access, ect. Thanks
A. You should buy an android phone. It's because they are more customisable than BB, iOS and Symbian. You should check out Samsung Galaxy S II. :)
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Title : Samsung wireless phones and the Droid 4...like 'em, hate 'em? Why?
Description : Q. I have already looked at several and read just about as much as I can handle online, just want to hear a few current reviews from curren...