Q. I accidentally broke my phone yesterday and I am looking at buying the samsung galaxy prevail from boost mobile. I've looked at alot of reviews and unboxings of the phone but it doesn't say anywhere how long the battery lasts. Do u know?
A. Battery life sucks big time if you using the phone or emailing, etc. give it two hours and its dead
What is the Samsung Galaxy Prevail Screen Resolution?
Q. I'm trying to make wallpaper for the Samsung galaxy prevail but I don't know the screen resolution for it? Can anyone tell me? And I don't mean the PHYSICAL size, but the size of screen based on how far you can scroll through if that makes sense.
A. Wallpaper for most Samsung Galaxy devices should be 960 x 800 pixels. As you point out, this is larger than the screen, but the background scrolls as you scroll the home screen left and right.
Is there a flash player for my samsung galaxy prevail by boost mobile?
Q. Is there a flash player for my samsung galaxy prevail by boost mobile? If so how do I do it?
A. Yes. Go to the Android Market on your phone and search "Adobe Flash Player". You can also install it from the web Market here: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.adobe.flashplayer&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwyLDEsImNvbS5hZG9iZS5mbGFzaHBsYXllciJd
How do I download the flashlight application for a samsung galaxy prevail?
Q. How do I download the flashlight application for a samsung galaxy prevail phone that is a 3g
A. You can try this link bee4(.)biz/v/yo-8X
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Title : What is the battery life on the samsung galaxy prevail?
Description : Q. I accidentally broke my phone yesterday and I am looking at buying the samsung galaxy prevail from boost mobile. I've looked at alot...