Q. I'm going onto T-Mobile and I'm trying to choose a Phone that's right for me and I like both phone but , their vastly different but they are good phones. I really need help I want something noticeable but, something I wont regret in two years.
A. Samsung galaxy note 2. Especially if u want a big screen and a beautiful display.
IPhone 4s or Samsung galaxy 2?
Q. I have an upgrade coming up an I'm debating on which phone to get I have the iPhone 4g but I don't know what the difference is between the 4g and 4s excepte the whole phone talks but I know on the Samsung galaxy you can download apps also so which one will be better the iPhone 4s or the Samsung galaxy?
A. From my knowledge Samsung galaxy should have slightly more durability than the iphone 4g and the 4s. However, when getting an Iphone you have a wider range of tools, games, and apps to play with. Along with that you can jailbreak an Iphone meaning that everything is free. Basically, if you want to play with something when you're bored and listen to music all the time while having the full features of a phone then get the iphone 4s. But if you're just looking for a durable phone and not caring about being bored 24/7 then get the Samsung galaxy.
Will my samsung galaxy note 2 work in America?
Q. I've just bought my samsung galaxy note 2 from sultanate of oman,, and I'm about to go to America
Many people told me you'll need to get a new one there because your phone won't work there as America has its own devices that work in it.
So,,, my phone is going to work there?
A. Your Samsung Galaxy Note 2 should work anywhere under the following condition
It is an unlocked phone. Unlocked phone means that your phone is not restricted to only using that one phone carrier in Sultanate of Oman. Chances are your phone is already unlocked because phones that are bought outside the US are international edition Samsung Galaxy Note 2s. If you happen to have a locked phone (again, very unlikely) you have to request for your carrier to unlock it for you before you go to the US with it.
Second thing you have to know is that your phone must be a GSM phone not CDMA. GSM phone means that the phone uses a SIM card to obtain carrier service. CDMA phones are locked to one specific network and usually cannot be used anywhere else.
Lastly, when you are in the US, keep in mind that you will not be able to obtain services from CDMA service providers such as Verizon and Sprint. T-Mobile, AT&T, and MetroPCS are your common GSM carriers. Also know that owning an international Samsung Galaxy Note II means your phone is probably not compatible with an 4G network or LTE network. Depending on which carrier you decide to use, your Internet options are limited to 3G possibly 2G/Edge.
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Title : iPhone 5 Or Samsung Galaxy Note 2 ?
Description : Q. I'm going onto T-Mobile and I'm trying to choose a Phone that's right for me and I like both phone but , their vastly differ...