Q. hey, i have a maximum $ 250 budget, and i am looking for a good tablet for reading PDF wifi, Microsoft Office, writing documents, reading documents, as well as to store totorial videos. Its basically for school, but it would be nice to have so additional cool features, lke for music or games , or watching movies etc...any how, is the samsung galaxy tab 7.0 better than the google nexus 7 ?!?
which one is better any why is it better
also are there any other good tablets for that prcice range ?
A. Personally, the Google Nexus 7 stuck with me better. I think you've narrowed it down to the two most reliable tablets that are not only cheap, but versatile and useful. Here's why-
Online, especially on craigslist, you can find both of these tablets used, as well as unopened. The prices are generally the same whether it's used or unopened, and averages at around $170-200 for each 7" model. You will generally be able to find this price, often irregardless of the storage capacity. They will also often come with cases, it's just a matter of you looking for and finding the best offers.
As for which one is better, that's up to you- They both run Android, and they look different. However, the Nexus has a higher screen resolution, is cheaper than the Tab 2, and has a quad-core processor. The cons of the Nexus are, although the Nexus is easier to find for prices $40-50 less than the Tab 2, you will also be sacrificing a MicroSD slot and a back camera, but still has a front camera. So if you like scanning codes or feel the need to double the 16GB storage capacity, Tab 2 is for you. I didn't have a problem with it, and the Nexus was also lighter, imo sleeker and felt better to hold.
Good luck!
Which tablet is better for a 14 year old? Samsung galaxy tab 7.7 or ipad 3?
Q. Which tablet is better for a 14 year old boy? ipad 3 or SGT 7.7?
He will be using it for gaming web browsing ,taking pictures,watching videos,Trying different softwares etc
He listens to a lot of songs (gotta have awesome speakers)
he is sort of a tech-savy person
Please do suggest
P.S- If you are gonna say that a 14 year old should not have a tablet- please dont comment
He is a technology freak
He doesnt care if the ipad is simple
Doesnt care if its got more 'adult' stuff
its the performance and stuff
The gaming and the market should be awesome
A. Either tablet will work for a person of any age.
The thing to know is, is the kid a clumsy clod (most teenage boys are), if so, get a good protective case for either tablet, as some way to carry the tablet or than just in his hands, that offers even more protection if he plans to use it away from home especially if he is getting an iPad. No sense having an expensive tablet and not protecting it.
I personally do not consider ANY current tablets to have awesome speakers, that is what the AWESOME ear-buds, docks and small external speakers are for. Both of the tablets mentioned in your post will do great for web browsing, watching videos.
No tablet is going to be great for picture taking, because they are not exactly "POINT AND SHOOT" devices. They will of course work ok if you have time to steady and shoot, but of course no normal person, is going to go on vacation in an amusement park or camping in a national park or river rafting, and use a tablet to take pictures.
So if the budget will support an iPad 3, I'd say go for it and let the kid decide if he wants to keep it, or trade it in for something else.
Are Samsung 7" tablet connections the same (P1000/1010 vs P6810)?
Q. I have a Samsung P6810 7" tablet which is pretty new - released Dec 2011. I want to buy accessories like a gel case and car charger but find almost no accessories listed. However there are dozens and dozens of P1000 tablet accessories listed. Are the P1000/1010 series tablets the same as the P6800/6810 ones?
Also, are the 7300 10.1" tablet connectors the same as the P6810 ones?
I am asking really for the electrical and physical similarities. If anyone has seen a table of comparisons I would love to have a link. Thanks...
A. I like the samsung p6810 7.7 tablet wifi only but not the price almost 700 dollars the lowest is 429 at my shopping .com, since it's new and just came out a month ago some of the accessories is not on the market yet, now i'm a owner of a samsung galaxy tablet sph-p100 with a sprint logo{big mistake} planning to upgrade to the samsung 7.0 plus a little more ram on it , but for the price 279.00 on ebay and came to me brand freaking new couldn't beat that, now the case try at belkin .com or best buy .com, the car charger shouldn't be a problem , the cord should have a usb connector at the end of it and the plug has mating usb connector , if you looking for table of comparsions check at samsung .com or contact their support should direct you to a link for it.
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Title : which tablet is better ?
Description : Q. hey, i have a maximum $ 250 budget, and i am looking for a good tablet for reading PDF wifi, Microsoft Office, writing documents, readin...